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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 6A  FOX  October 17, 2017 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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two little boys dead, shocked, devastated, a delaware neighborhood grieving the loss of these brothers, found unresponsive inside their home. the person of interest police in custody right now. >> for the sake of some half baked spur just nationalism, cooked up by people who would rather find scape goats then solve problems. >> senator john mccain gets emotional in philadelphia accepting liberty medal award hoe called out for not accepting america's world as a world leader. two more word sixers fans are tired of hearing, minutes restrictions, the team reveals that joel embiid will be limited to start this season, tomorrow night. see how the big man reacted when he found out. he is going to play under 20 minutes a game.
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good day, it is tuesday, yes, day before, joel embiid takes the court, for the sixers home opener. well, not hope opener, season opener for wizard down in d.c. >> we are days away from the home opener on friday. >> that is friday night. >> yes. >> yes. we're still looking for tickets. 6:01. hi alex. >> good morning, mike. >> i love that color on you. >> oh, thank you. appreciate. that i put on blue because it is cold. >> it is, my nose is running. sue, i hope you feel better sue. >> she's watching right now. >> she's up. she should be sleeping in. she's sick. >> we texted back and forth and said make sure you sanitized everything in that weather department so dually noted. good morning, everybody. cold morning alexa lewd todd that for sure. we are talking about clear skies, cold conditions out there this morning with temperatures, that are already in the 40's in most spots. 42 degrees coming in at 7 miles an hour. outer suburbs where we do find
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temperatures in the 30's. we are going to have to layer up bus stop buddy because it is 38 to 43 degrees at the bus stops and then we will get to 60 degrees later today. we cannot find a drop of precipitation. lets go a thousand miles due west, nothing doing. wall to wall sunshine. temperatures forecasting the next several days where numbers will be reflect more fall-like standard, eventually it will feel more like summer. we will talk about that in a bit. here's bob kill toy talk traffic. >> yo, mike, sueby hopefully you feel better. 6:02. a live look at the schuylkill expressway, headlights wedding westbound eastbound they just pick up cones from the overnight construction. we are good to go there. downtown, we will go, cross town on the vine street expressway, again all of the cones pick up. we are ready for rush hour for gang in horsham a vehicle fire , sargon way at hard sham road. septa, rough start, bundle up grab that fleece or sweat shirt you will need it standing on the platforms this
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morning both thorndale and doyletown line, both have some trains running with delays, on this tuesday morning. mike and alex, back over to you. such a heart breaking story yesterday, two young boys found dead inside of their wilmington home. >> while someone is being questioned, we're still left with a lot of questions for sure. lauren, bring us up to date. what do we know. >> reporter: well, here's the deal, police say kid had no chance of surviving when they arrived here at the home in wilmington. the boys were already dead. this is corn are of ninth and adams street. now a makeshift memorial grows outside the house. 911 call came from the boy's mother. police say she was here when they responded to the scene but inside they fund something tragic, sad. two young boys unresponsive dead and police say it appears that they died from drowning. of course, final answer on the cause of death will come from an autopsy conduct by the medical examiner. until then, investigation continues into what happened inside of this home.
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>> officers met the mother outside, entered the location and saw two children that were deceased. they had a strong smell of gas >> that is crazy, it happened right next door to my house. >> it is heart breaking and to have my 13 year-old who has also been a victim of certain things that happened to him in this city, i really worry for the children. >> reporter: neighbors were outraged that the suggestion that a mother could harm her own children but saddened by reality and violence here. small group held a vigil last night praying for not only the family but children and community as a whole. this morning, again we know police have arrested someone in connection with this crime. yesterday, the mother, was in custody. police are are not naming who that person is, yet, mike and alex. thanks, lauren. is it time for our mold update. >> i think it is time for a mold update. >> here now the mold news. >> classes are set to resume
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today in schools in monroe township new jersey with one exception. last week inspectors found mold in two schools there. officials closed all six schools for cleaning. welshing all schools will reopen today except for white hall elementary where classes will begin again tomorrow. meanwhile, right here in philadelphia, john b kelly elementary will reopen, tomorrow. officials had found the mold in parts of the school last week and closed it, for cleaning. school officials saying that the building will be 100 percent mold free when it reopens, and that ladies and gentlemen is your daily mold report. >> i'm sure it will be continuing to do. >> 6:06. terrifying scene in south jersey as high rise apartment building catches on fire. it went to three alarms. >> it was huge. neighbors waking up neighbors, come on, get out, get out and even a cat was involved there, steve keeley.
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>> reporter: yes, cat's hero of this story. fire called in at 20 to midnight a lot of people were asleep. look at the ground floor emergency doors propped and fans going to get the smoke out. now, i'm point ago this out because look at how far up the fire is all the way up to the fifth and sixth floor. you would wonder if you can smell smoke on the ground floor would you think smoke alarms in the apartment themselves would be going off when you see these flames, look at video we got from one of the tenants and see flames wondering why wouldn't anybody& smoke alarm go off. the lady who lived in the apartment right above this hoist balcony is now burned said her alarm never went off, her cat claude at her face which she never does and that woke her up and then goes out and sees black smoke and then knocks on her neighbor's door who has a son in the wheelchair, gets them out, grabs her hero cat inn gets out and only one tenant got injured and that is smoke inhalation, fire fighters got out without getting hurt too and in a high rise fire in cherry hill between 38 and 70
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that could have been a story of what could have happened, alex and mike. >> wow. >> you know that building very well, don't you, steve. >> reporter: yeah, cooper landing road is full of high rises, i take this home going home sometimes from work. muhammad ali lived with his family here in the late 60's, early 70's waiting for his house in cherry hill to be built on winding drive. so interesting historical value with this building. >> thank for that. good perspective. senator john mccain was down the street from frustrates last night, yes, speaking at the national constitution center. a big award ceremony they have every year. >> this is why we love living in philadelphia, was this a moment or what? he was, of course accepting the 2017 liberty medal. the award goes to the individual who shows courage, conviction while striving to secure liberty for people across the country, senator mccain took his time on stage, to do just that, in an
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emotional speech he calls out nationalism and celebrates democracy. >> to fear the world we have organized and led three-quarters of the century to bandon ideals we have advanced around the globe to refuse obligations of international leadership, and our duty to remain the last best hope of earth, for the sake of some half baked spur just nationalism, cooked up by people who would rather find scape goats then solve problems... >> applause. >> it is as unpatriotic asiana attachment to any other tired dogma of the pennsylvania that americans can assign to the ash heap of history. >> wow. not so veiled reference toss steve ban on and president trump. former vice-president joe biden as you can see right there a friend have john
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mccains forever presented him with the medal at 29th annual ceremony, a beautiful event, little chilly. >> yes. >> but it was beautiful. >> yes. >> big stage out front there give kudos to our competitor channel six they did a beautiful job, just a wonderful night. 6:09. nuclear war could break out any minute. well, that is new message from north korea this morning, what prompted the threatening word from the rogue nation and kim jong un. nasty attack at a local wawa, customer seen throwing scolding hot cup of coffee on to an employee and new the question is, why? ♪
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hey grandpa. hey, kid. really good to see you. you too. you tell grandma you were going fishing again? maybe. (vo) the best things in life keep going. that's why i got a subaru, too. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek.
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a scolding attack, hot coffee, tossed at wawa. >> this happened inside a wawa on the 1300 block of east erie avenue, police say conversation between employee and customer just escalated quickly and wawa employee suffered a lot of burns. police are looking to charge the customer with aggravated assault, luckily it was too severe but burn is a burn and to have to go through that situation, oh, wow. >> 6:11. >> saga continues, cowboys star ezekiel elliott making another push to avoid, serving his suspension, emergency hearing happening today that could put him back on the field. >> oh, please.
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chris brown: a fighter for the working men and women of atlantic county. brown fought for what's right by taking on trenton special interests and standing up to chris christie's takeover of atlantic city. he fought to protect jobs in our region and to defeat the north jersey casinos.
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and now brown is working to keep atlantic county affordable for families and retirees. let's keep chris brown fighting for us. chris brown for state senate, he's on our side.
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wow. >> that is ireland. >> that is not ocean city, mike. tropical cyclone ophelia is hammering ireland and parts of the united kingdom.
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storm has killed at least three people, down trees, of course, knocked out power to thousands of people. it is the war storm to hit ireland in 50 years. wow. >> all right. i didn't know they had cyclone s there, mike. >> sixty-one they had a really bad one, it was done remember don. >> do you remember that. >> i was doing a report from that very beach. >> in 61. >> yes. >> no, of course not. >> you guys know the perfect storm? you remember that in new england. same deal. >> george clooney. >> yes. >> sure, i'll give you that one. polar jet stream came into this system. you got to see it right there kind of like a perfect storm we had a arctic jet stream. that is like steroid when i pump in that energy. thirty-two to 42 degrees across continue. it is a chilly morning. fall classic.
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high pressure in control, northerly winds to get us to 60 degrees. tomorrow, milder wind, we have more westerly win component bringing our temperature to around 70. lets do better than that on thursday, with the high pressure system going off to the south, more southeasterly wind and we will get our temperatures back in the middle 70's. so check out this seven day forecast, call it bright, beautiful, nice blue skies. 62 degrees. seventy-one for tomorrow. seventy-four on thursday. just as nice by next friday, even into the weekend, bob kelly, we are in the seeing any rain until next tuesday. we have an update to your forecast heading out the door all morning licensing on 101.1 more fm, bob kelly. >> shorts on thursday. >> let's do it. >> 74 degrees. >> that would be a yes. southbound lanes, we will wear our shorts on thursday. >> yes. >> jean shorts, pockets hanging out.
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>> yes. >> southbound i-95 disabled near 420. they just threw flares down rolling through delco and delaware county. accident belmont avenue at colwyn lane right behind antenna towers for philly's hottest radio stations. down here in media where sue bias resting comfortably nurse ago this cold, baltimore pike at orioles ave watch for an accident. 422 starting to see the delay coming around saint gabriel's curve heading in toward king of prussia. it is not that cold but already one of the septa lines is having equipment issues. wilmington had to cancel one of the trains, wilmington line , the 1295 in both thorndale and doyletown lines, first couple of trains out of the gate running with some delays, mike and alex, back over to you. a nuclear war could break out any minute. i'm in the saying that. that warning from north korea 's deputy ambassador to the united nations. he told u.n. committee his country has been subjected to
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quote unquote annex stream, direct nuclear threat from the united states. things have been more than tense between the u.s. and north korea thanks to increasingly tough u.n. sanctions and war of rhetoric, between president trump and kim jong un. evacuation order have been lifted for several communities in northern california, and giving more people chance to see what is left, if anything, from the historic wild fires. fire fighters have been able to ohio the spread of the flames and embers especially in sonoma counties. forty-one people are dead and nearly 6,000 homes and businesses now destroyed since the fire started more than a week ago. >> 6,000 buildings gone. >> at one point there were more than 20 fires happening at the same time. >> that is right, yeah. army sergeant beau bergdahl could spend the rest of his life in prison. he has pleaded guilty to charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.
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sentencing hearing is scheduled for monday. in 2009 bergdahl left his base in afghanistan and was captured by the taliban hours later. the terror group released him in a controversial exchange for five guantanamo bay detainees, had been taliban leaders. president trump and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell met at the white house yesterday. >> they made some comments standing side by side, the rose garden, they announced their relationship is solid, after president trump held a cabinet meeting with g.o.p. officials. >> for pennsylvania several months president has been publicly criticizing mcconnell ever since senate failed to repeal and replace the affordable care act in july but the tables have turn, now the two say their relationship and their efforts to reform health care are back on track. >> my relationship with this
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gentlemen is outstanding, has been outstanding. we are working very hard to get tax cuts. >> what the president and would i like to say to you today, contrary toy what some of you may have reported, we are together, totally on this agenda to move america forward >> both men said they agree on their next mission which is tax cuts and reform. their gel to get it done by the end of the year and making sure that the middle class is biggest beneficiary. 6:20. still processing, are we? sixers fans not happy to find out jell embiid will start the season, on a minutes restriction, he will play under 20 minutes per game at the beginning of the season. well, he had a reaction to that. we will play that for you.
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good morning i'm kristin rodgers, eagles back to work to start game prep for redskins on monday but before that malcolm jenkins hosted a charity event and discussed how the eagles got to five-one >> we had players step up that
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where younger players or backups step up and play a big role. we have had our eagles fan base step up, on these road games that felt like home games. we will keep pulling on everybody to kind of play their part. sixers open up their season on wednesday, head coach brett brown says joel embiid will be on a minute restriction somewhere in the teens as the season gets underway. >> i didn't know about that. that is disappointing. hopefully that changes based on this practice and most practices. >> alcs astros at yankees five to nothing, all rise aaron judge three run home run yankees take this 18-one. houston lead two-one. that is morning sports i'm kristin rodgers. >> i like. that. all rise for judge for the judge. smoking a home run. >> i like her. >> yes. >> ezekiel elliott is he ever going to play again?
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>> i don't know because they are going back to fighting this suspension here. because, they are trying to overturn the six game suspension over domestic violence allegations. they will go to new york in a federal courtroom, because they want to bring back the temporary restraining order, that would put a suspension on hold. >> it is amaze huge a couple letters screwup. >> got to love it. >> he is going to insuring to try to throw this out. he wants to get on the field. he wants to it happen as soon as possible. we will see what happens. it is interesting because owners meeting isn't that happening? >> yes. >> in new york as well, eat tore day or tomorrow but i know very soon. >> maybe he will swing by and stay hi. we want him out when he plays eagles. monday night football, marcus mariota, back on the field after missing last week with the hamstring injury. he hit taiwan taylor, is it taiwan taylor, i don't know for 53-yard touchdown. anyway who cares about this game.
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titans and colts. no one cares. 6:25. >> that is what you say when you are leading the nfc. >> we're number one. >> delta airlines under fire hear from a woman who said she was told she could not sing national anthem on board a flight to pay tribute to a fallen solder. >> oh, come on, what is going on. hey mike very sad story in wilmington delaware makeshift memorial grows outside where police discovered two boys dead inside who they spoke with yesterday and more on the arrest coming up after the break.
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delaware death invasion, two young brothers found and now authorities are trying find out how it happened and who they are questioning right now. fleeing flames in the apartment building fire forced people out of their homes, and in the cold how some were alerted to the flames in cherry hill, new jersey. and another anthem controversy this time on a delta airlines flight. why one woman was told it is against the rules for her to sing the star spangled banner on board. >> i never knew that. good day everybody it is tuesday october 17th, 17. >> 10/17/17. >> thanks for that. >> i'm a number expert you know what that means you study numbers. >> when you have two, 17 back to back you know what that means.
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>> no clue. >> i you might want to. >> did you say uberolgoodies. >> i count numbers in the back of the car. >> got it. 42 degrees in town. pretty chilly morning. those guys alluded to it. thirty's in the north and west , bethlehem 34. thirty-four in doyletown. plymouth meeting is at 39 degrees. kid will be freezing their tail off at the bus stop. chilly, sin, 38 to 43 degrees and then we will get temperatures up throughout the course of your day. lets move this along here. we are looking at a nine. great day. fall-like feel with temperatures getting to 69 degrees. huge warming trend as we go forward. rather chilly at 10 in the morning. temperature right around 54 degrees. by lunchtime hour, sunny, cool , lots of blue sky, 59 degrees and we will get up to 62 for afternoon highs. tomorrow is warm by even of the week it is rather toasty. we will talk about this in a little bit. >> grab that sweat shirt and fleece so you are toasty this
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morning. 6:30. live look at eastbound lanes of 422 right here near route 23 heading in toward king of prussia through that construction zone. that will cause a delay for gang out of royersford, collegeville, eastbound on the pennsylvania turnpike an accident right here near philly interchange between philly bensalem interchange and neshaminy. that will slow folks down east toward turnpike connector bridge. backup downtown on the vine street expressway across town here trying to get in 30th street station. delays from south jersey on both 55 and 42. watch out for the brooklawn backup construction at brooklawn circle causing delays, again today and wilmington line, cancelled within of the trains because of the equipment issues this morning both thorndale and doyletown line running with delays, mike and alex, back to you. a five-year old and a baby just a few months old found dead in the wilmington home. >> lauren johnson has details here, lauren? >> reporter: hi mike and alex. the news upset most of the community here especially moth
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hours found out about what happened here, yesterday at the home on the corn are of ninth and adams. the pain became, last night as some members of the local wilmington group planned a vigil. adults and children stood hand and hand united in prayer for this family, children and community. neighborhood woke up monday morning to the smell of gas and they were evacuated from their homes. outside they noticed police talking to their neighbor, a mother who called 911 for a wellness check on her sons and when police arrived they say young boy were already dead. >> we're out here today to pray for the families, we're out here today to pray for healing for our city. >> mother is a woman. we feel these things. it is like how many corners will you stand on, how many funerals will you get to. >> i'm a little messed up, i was just too close for comfort >> reporter: some neighbors wand fairing that report of the gas was an attempted cover up to a murder. police will have to decide
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that. medical examiner will to have determine exactly how the boys died this morning we do necessity that the mother was in custody yesterday being questioned, we know authorities made an arrest late last night. right now police are not telling house that person is who is now charged in the death of these two young boys, mike and alexy bet we find out today, thanks, lauren. a high rise apartment building eruptness to an an an inferno, many residents waking up their neighbors trying to get them to escape. one even telling us that their cat alerted them to the fire. >> all right, steve, cherry hill, what happened. >> reporter: that would be one jamie wallace who is going to give everybody a lesson in why it is wise to adopt a cat or dog at a shelter day because they are cat may have saved her life and a lot of other lives and i know that sounds strange but she says that her cat claude at her face which it has never, ever done. now she lives in the sixth floor apartment above where we see it all blackened and make out investigators with their
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flashlights as we have our first glimpse of the sunlight where this fire was and how high up it is. now we will go to video shot from a tenant who made it out alive and shot up there and see these flames shooting at you saying wow, but flames like that you would think that the people in the apartment above these flames where jamie wallace lives in the studio apartment her smoke alarm in her apartment would be going off but she said no, she didn't hear any smoke alarms until she was almost on top of them out in the hallway where it was thick, black smoke. she grabs her hero cat. knocks on her neighbor's door with a son in the wheelchair and gets that neighbor out and she told us she didn't hear any smoke alarms. so long with finding a cause, alex and mike, they will find out why nobody smoke alarms work in the apartment. would you think they would be hook up to the main system. if an alarm going off down the hall way in another apartment they would all go off to get everybody out alive. this could have been a lot worse then it was. only one person treated for smoke inhalation. >> would you think that would be a case in the apartment
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condo building like that. 6:35. university of delaware police are looking for this man, after receiving reports of an indecent exposure, on campus. it happened on sunday near the center of the arts, on orchard street. the man was seen wearing a jogging strap and a blue hat. was that it. >> yes. >> police are advising students to use the blue light phones around campus, if they see that dude. well, businesses all over philadelphia say the cities soda cakes hurting them in badly. that is according to a report released by the cities controller's office. >> yeah, another city just gave up on the soda tax was that pittsburgh. chicago, yeah. the surveyed says that nearly 90 percent of the business owners are responded claimed
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that the soda tax cut their sales by 10 percent or more. a map shows businesses that say that they are losing the most, and difficult read over the map, i'm sorry. the darker colors on the map if we put it up again show more stores claiming problems. city controller alan butkovitz talked about the findings yesterday, alan? >> there is a passion and a intensity to the feeling of these business owners that this taxis killing them. >> the sweetened drink tax took effect january 1st, as you know, the money fund prek, city parks, recreational centers and libraries. there is the map that i talk over and a pol guys. total business that is reported revenue decreases, 30 plus. >> in those darker areas. >> yes.
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>> you know where you live. all right. coming up on 6:37. a judge has decided not to dismiss federal corruption charges against new jersey senator bob menendez. the defense team was hoping charges would be dismissed after six weeks of cross-examination. the attorneys argued that the allegations do not meet definition of the bribery, federal prosecutors say men den set up a quote stream of benefits operation with the friend, and that the bribes involved were not meant to prompt any specific act. menendez maintains he never bribed anyone. >> um-hmm. dramatic turn off events three football players dismissed from the albright lions are invited back on the team. >> give you an update on this. the president is offering to reinstate the players in an open letter posted to the college web site, i'm guessing , it is president of the albright college. >> um-hmm. >> lions players were cut after taking a knee during the national anthem, earlier this month. in a statement, the president said in part that ongoing review of the details
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surrounding the games, events has provided greater clarity, but what we understood to be shared agreement among players , student leaders and coaches has not been adequately supported. well, candidate for mayor in the boro of phoenixville is getting unwanted attention for a comment that he made. it is a republican date. dave gotro. suggested a cheaper alternative to drug sniffing dogs may be drug sniffing rabbits. >> this is going to sound very strange, i will say, i found some information, called lancaster city. they actually use rabbits. believe it or not. obviously if i'm a successful candidate i want to have a meeting with myself and the chief. he said they currently have four rabbit sniffing for drugs and they are about 1500 a piece. >> well, it turns out he apparently fell for a satire article, about rabbits. >> oh, no. >> and he is insist he spoke to someone with lancaster
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police about their use. lancaster police deny to us, that they ever spoke to him or nothing about drug sniffing rabbits. so from rabbits... to rats. philly has a problem, rodent problem, this has been going on for years. where we ranked on the list of the most rat infested cities. all right. >> we better not be number one >> well... tackling anthem issue with nfl owners and players are coming together to change rules regarding protests during the national anthem. >> all righty then.
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hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert,
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peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. when you're a double-dipping like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us.
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look at this beautiful sunrise over wilmington. hopefully this will make you feel good about the fact that it is so chilly outside. lets look at another beautiful one, ahh, in philadelphia at the airport, oh, bob doesn't light so nice. >> so good, nice and toasty in
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here too but when you open up that front door boom, make sure kid have the sweat shirt on and accident, 6:43 exactlye on 422 right at route 23 working your way in toward king of prussia. this will slow everybody down from collegeville and royersford, already delays, on 422, actual that i camera still rolling we will come back to that in a moment. an accident on the pennsylvania turnpike, eastbound, east of the philadelphia bensalem interchange, anybody heading from philadelphia, heading over toward that connection bridge be ready to hit brakes and riding the brakes on the freeway coming in toward philadelphia, slow go northbound 42 from the ac expressway through black horse pike 55 backed up there as well. accident in flourtown route 309, right here northbound side of the 309 off ramp to route 73. and a backup in brooklawn that construction tying traffic up, it happened yesterday. it will be out there again today for morning rush hour. give yourself extra time
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working your way around the circle maybe stopping at& brooklawn diner for a cup of coffee. suebias a little under the weather. mike has the forecast in 15 seconds we have a great day, chilly morning, bob allude todd that 42 in philadelphia. thirty's for outer suburbs. pretty chilly morning. north and west are these spots , i guess doyletown is around 34 degrees. couple valleys up to the north and west as we travel along 476 or out toward the turnpike dealing with again temperatures near freezing mark. coldest we have seen since early may, it has not dropped in precipitation or radar or satellite not much in the way of cloud cover. you have to go out toward canadian u.s. border, pacific northwest to find any kind of organized storm activities.
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it is all about temperature forecasting for next several days. 5:00 o'clock temperatures right around 6o tonight another chilly night with temperatures falling back in the 30's, 40's for outer suburbs. tomorrow afternoon though is when we will turn that corner toward a mild feel with daytime highs in the 70's. we are watching models, is there just no precipitation, all the way through saturday, zero, in the bucket so we are looking at just several days of just delightful weather. sixty-one in town. fifty's for suburbs tonight. another chilly night, frost advisory for outer suburbs. forty-five in town. thirty's for outer suburbs, frost advisory north and west and then in the pine barons of new jersey right along zero seven and south, just be careful if you have the plants out or the mums, might want to wrap them up because we could see isolated killing frost. sixty-two today. seventy-one tomorrow. thursday is a gem 74 on our way back down to 75, as we segway in the weekend, mike?
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hey, mike. >> yes. >> thank you. nicely done. >> thanks. >> 6:46. so, delta airlines lets talk about them. apparently stopped a passenger from singing the national anthem on board the plane. >> passenger wanted to honor a fallen solder whose casket was being removed from the plane and so what happened? they really did tell her no. >> she thought it was right thing to do she wanted to sing they said wait a minute not so fast here. a georgia doctor said she and a fellow passenger were told to stay quiet and that singing the national anthem violated company policy. pamela wife of the deceased army captain wanted to honor sergeant dustin wright, among four u.s. troops killed in a attack on october 4th. they wanted to do so by singing the national anthem. she went around cab i been asking each passenger if they would join her n'synxing for the fallen solder. as the flight neared destination she said the chief flight attendant came up and
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informed her it was against delta's policy to sing the national anthem. flight attendant said some people were from other countries and mayo fend other people, so, the woman planning the tribute said she feels sorry that she didn't get a chance to move forward with her plans. >> we all sat in silence as honor guard took the solder off the plane. i was a little scared that i would be taken away, i didn't know what would happen to me if i started singing but i'm humiliated by my lack of courage to sing the national anthem in my own country on an american soil with a deceased solder on the plane. >> that was pamela moments after the flight landed, very
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emotional there here's update pamela says airline contacted her about the flight and offered an apology, they explained to her that the flight attendant had been miss informed, mike and alex, then said it is not company policy to prevent passengers from singing the national anthem. >> you've got to be kidding me >> what an emotional story to hear from her. >> well, it is ridiculous. where is the common sense police. >> absolutely. >> this may not come as a surprise to all of you, but philly ranks in the top 10. >> for what. >> rats. >> just like being in the top of everything. >> so orkin ranks our cities sixth on the list of most rat cities. and that is up one spot from last year. >> okay. >> and, so, the company ranks,
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and, so far, start of rodent season as weather gets colder, they look for food, and shelter and they want to survive wint tear. they are just looking for a home why not let it be your home. >> if we work hardy think we can be in the top five next year. >> i don't want to be. >> you don't. >> no. >> google's, photo, service can now, recognize your pets. >> users will be able to see pictures of animal ground alongside people allowing the label inserts the pets by name this means new longer have to type dog or cat into google photo search, if yous and i know that was tedious. the update rolls rolls out in most countries, this week thank goodness. let's jump on the wentz wagon. we're already on it. >> i'm on it. i'm so on it, i have splinters on my butt. jumping on the wentz wagon
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where the eagles now ranks in jersey sales in america. he is in the top five. >> i want a jake elliott jersey. >> do you. >> yeah. ♪ ♪ start your day with a new hash brown scramble bowl from chick-fil-a.
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this beneful grain free is so healthy... oh! farm-raised chicken! that's good chicken! hm!? here come the accents. blueberries and pumpkin. wow. and spinach! that was my favorite bite so far. (avo) beneful grain free. out with the grain, in with the farm-raised chicken. healthful. flavorful. beneful.
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pennsylvania turnpike, well, bob. >> eastbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike just east of the philadelphia bensalem interchange. what we are looking at is a car that has rammed in the back of that tractor trailer. they've mergecy crews around that vehicle, i'm getting word there is a medical helicopter on stand by and right now it looks like all eastbound lanes are closed again, just east of the philadelphia interchange right here near neshaminy mall to give an idea here. that will impact everyone heading east from philadelphia bensalem trying to head into new jersey up and over that turnpike connector bridge.
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our fingers crossed keep chopper over this, again, eastbound lanes closed just east of the philadelphia interchange. mike and alex, back over to you. thanks, bob. >> 6:54. you may soon notice increase in the number 11 jerseys in the coming day people walking around. carson wentz hot streak has propelled him to the number one spot on dick's sporting goods jersey sale list after this pennsylvania weekend. he has moved past tom brady and dak prescott to reach that spot. >> i'm not surprised by that at all, he is getting national recognition. he will be in the spotlight gannon monday, on monday night football. redskins/eagles, monday night. that will be big, man. >> big. >> by the way, tomorrow night sixers start their season. are you having a watch party& or anything like that? i have been invited to a couple. >> are you going? >> that is how fired up everybody is. >> they are excited. >> as we should be. >> last night fourth annual blitz, bow ties and bourbon event was hosted by eagles safety malcolm jenkins.
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>> this is at union trust, seventh and chestnut it had chef tastings, live entertainment, live, silent auction and, of course, bourbon. proceed go to the malcolm jenkins summer stem program that helps kid out here in philly. >> our supporters in these kinds of events that we are able to invest in philly and really give back. it is important we do it. we have great time live auction, and, plenty of eagles , my favorite restaurant catering, making us foot food and making us drink. it is a good time. >> malcolm jenkins foundation also helps under served children in new jersey, louisiana and ohio. >> 6:55. exciting news for travel ers in philadelphia hanging out before your flight in the airport just got better >> you know, they have i great mall at the airport. >> i'm sure they do. >> look at that, first stage of the 30 million-dollar revamping, of terminal b. it is philly international, officially opened yesterday,
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terminal has new restaurants, cafes, and pennsylvania the time you can use one of the new, 1,000i pads around the lounge, how about that. >> i usually always end up going out of terminal a. how do you get a flight. >> terminal a is that american >> yeah. >> what is terminal b what do you normally fly. >> i'm a mix. whatever cheap. choice word last night just two blocks, from frustrate, big moment in philadelphia, senator john mccain takes aim at president and his supporters as he is honored here in philadelphia. steve, is in cherry hill. >> reporter: you, like me used to watch johnny carson and he would ask a why do you have a cat. doggies an ideal pet. we have a case to tell johnny he is wrong up in heaven because do you see those black balconies, it was a cat that saved the day once again.
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hey, girlfriend. how's your café au lait? oh, it's actually... (squeaking of balloon)
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it's ver... (squeaking) i'm being so serious right now. i really want to know how your coffee is. it's... (squeaking of balloon, laughing) i had a second balloon! goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah, it happens to more people than you think. try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. mmm. good, right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. and now, try our real sour cream. it's delicious.
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when found out today. >> neighbors joined in prayer after finding out that two young boys were found dead in their home. who police are questioning, right now. flames light up new jersey sky overnight fast moving fire breaks out in an apartment complex, how some sleeping
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residents found out about the fire, despite not being able to hear the alarms. he is fed up. >> for for the sake of some half baked secure just nationalism, cooked up by people who would rather find scape goats then solve problems. >> senator john mccain gets emotional in philadelphia, who he called out for questioning america's role as a world leader. rye stricting the process, again. the sixers announced joel embiid will begin the season, on a minutes restriction. but the big man is saying, not so fast. how he plans to fight for extra playing time. we want to see him have more playing time as season kicks off tomorrow, very excited about that one aren't we. >> i'm, please excuse me for ignoring the viewer, but i'm not, i'm listening to you, but people are cranky this morning >> they are. what are they


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